

Page history last edited by nik harwood 14 years, 2 months ago


  • Steam power (Martian red coal is hyper-efficient increase power yields allowing smaller engines - so powered penny-farthings or unicycles, jet packs, etc.)
  • Iron and wood
  • Cavorite (antigravity) plates allow sky vessels, easy transportation of bulk goods, etc.
  • Ether ships using cavorite and air generators for 'Star Trek style' interplanetary travel.
  • Weapons are normal for period (Martini-Henry's, field artillery etc.)
  • Tesla weapons discovered and used but rare.  Martian heat rays and black smoke not available/used
  • Land ironclads (aided by cavorite) lumber about the battlefield - essentially land battleships
  • All these wondrous new war machines hampered by military dogma that doesn't use them properly, preferring to stick with the tried and tested infantry/cavalry 
  • Walker machines developed for use in South America and the mountains of Tibet
  • Tunnelling machines and submersibles (although both considered 'beastly')
  • Difference and Analytical engines: telegraphy - but not across the Ether
  • Genetic engineering and 'science as magic' developments typical of the Verne/Wells stories
  • Golems and 'robots' replacing human slaves 


Technology: Red coal


Technology: Cavorite


Technology: Martian Black Smoke

Comments (1)

Steve Johnson said

at 9:43 am on Nov 27, 2010

By chance I came across this website whilst checking out Reveille II that is happening tomorrow. Some nice simple ideas for various bits of kit.


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