
Pendraken Figures: ideas

Page history last edited by Luddite 14 years, 3 months ago

Ideas for SteamPunk figures using existing Pendraken figures:


(Steve's thoughts):

For the Brits any Colonial force works quite well I think, but redcoats would look brilliant on the table.

As for the bad guys, ie the Russians and Germans, it gets a bit more tricky. Possibly Franco-Prussian War figures may suit, with early WWI pickelhaube Germans or East Africa Colonials. The Russians could be Russo-Japanese or again WWI, but the former is somewhat limited in the range of figures. I thought of fleshing them out with 'advisors' or mercenaries in the form of the Boers which would look suitable Indiana Jones adventure like. I still want to include "The Wily Pathans", Afghans and Turks in some form or other.

(Nik's first hit-list):


  • Indians = elephants


Dark Ages / ELM

  • handgunners / heavy handgunners

  • organ guns

  • hussite war wagons

  • pavise

  • monks

  • siege tower


19th Century

  • ACW ironclads

  • FPW guns

  • FPW mitrailleuse

  • FPW Krupp guns

  • 1877 Russo-Turkish war: poss infantry



  • Zulu: Brit infantry

  • NW Frontier: everything!

  • Boer War: troops / heliograph / ARMOURED TRAIN

  • Sudan: camel corps & inf etc / RIVER GUN BOAT 


20th Century

  • WW1: A/C / Trucks / Cars / Infantry


  • tanks

  • gas mask infantry


  • SCW infantry for Adventurers etc.



  • barbarians / amazons

  • beggar army


  • lizardmen: raptor riders

  • accessories: war mammoths / dinosaurs / dragons /ghouls / wyrm / tentacled behemoth / rhinos

  • beastmen

  • haedusmen

  • minotaurs

  • ratmen: AIRBOAT / CHARIOT

  • undead: zombies /ghouls

  • dungeon monsters: grubs / rockman / worms / trapper etc


  • walker?

  • Dreadnought walking gun platform

  • security robots

  • tripods

  • lizardmen w/ laser weapons

  • mounted lizardmen

  • minotaur w/ heavy weapon





Comments (2)

Steve Johnson said

at 3:36 pm on Nov 11, 2010

Having just primed up the SCW Nationalist Armoured Lorry that I bought at Colours, I think that this makes a great basic chassis upon which to inflict all sorts of conversions. I think the same could be said for most of the WWI tanks, although some look ok as they are, notably the British Mk? Male tank.

The Rolls Royce armoured cars from the Middle East WWI range look fine as they are and would fit in nicely with a NW Frontier Force. The Open Topped tourer again would be rather nice for either conversion, as troop carrier or a nice centre piece for a Command base.

Luddite said

at 5:05 pm on Nov 14, 2010

I use the beastmen, haedusmen, and minotaurs as Martian tribesmen.

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