

Page history last edited by nik harwood 14 years, 2 months ago

SteamPunk: Future War Commander   



A collaborative enterprise, determined to develop a SteamPunk / Victorian Sci-fi variant for Future War Commander with Pendraken 10mm miniatures...

Activity Tracking


Nik Harwood

Steve Johnson

Dave Pike (Kiwidave)

Paul Martin (Nosher)

Leon Pengilley


Comments (4)

Paul Martin said

at 2:18 pm on Nov 29, 2010

Also wishing to apologise for nothing of substance being committed to the ideas - do have a reasonable excuse in that I'm recovering from major surgery so my time in front of a desktop is restricted at mo. Very much looking forward to giving my input once I'm fit enough


Paul Martin said

at 1:17 am on Dec 3, 2010

Didn't know if these would be relevant anywhere? Dystopian miniatures?? http://www.magistermilitum.com/prodtype.asp?PT_ID=1590&strPageHistory=cat

Steve Johnson said

at 6:06 am on Jan 1, 2011

Well, for a variety of reasons, I haven't had anytime to think about this nice little project we have on the go. However, a few ideas have surfaced over the holiday period and are as follows:

- Biggles type character as an early aeronautist.
- Indiana Jones' dad (whose name completely escapes me) as the archetypal adventurer. Allows lots of King Solomons Mines type scenarios.
- Seeing that Iron Man is on tomoorow, how about armoured infantry a la The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen?

I would like to fit in the Ottoman Empire in some form or other. To this end, there are a couple of articles on this very good website (link below), about half way down the page. The map of the Ottoman Empire around the time of WWI gives a good idea of potential areas of conflict.


And finally, Happy New Year to you all.

Steve J.

ps Hope the post-op recovery is going well Paul.

Paul Martin said

at 1:18 am on Jan 24, 2011

Hi all. Really conscious that as of yet I have contributed nothing to the thoughts here - so maybe its time for me to drop off at this point. The 'era' isn't my forte so not sure I can add much but if you want/need input in terms of mechanics more than happy to contribute at that point.


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