Note: if you're creating extra pages etc - please bung me an email to let me know so that I can link to them from the main pages; I'll also group them into Folders so that you can use the Navigator to get to them as well.
Who |
Objective |
Activities |
Date |
Comment |
Nik |
File tidy |
Folders created |
20.11.10 |
Done |
To-do list:
- page consolidation
- set-up closed Yahoo group: as a simpler way of holding discussions prior to posting / editing wiki documents
- Background: define timeline
- Background: define political dynamic & refine protagonists
- Rules: define number of lists required / nations / tech levels
- Rules: begin design of SteamPunk units not covered by existing FWC rules
- Rules: adaptation / design of scenarios
- Rules: waterborne / flight-only rules development
- Figures: consider design of SteamPunk units using existing Pendraken figures/models & combinations
Comments (5)
nik harwood said
at 2:00 am on Nov 20, 2010
@Luddite: I added your HoTT stuff today into pages before I noticed that you'd already done this...apologies! What I've done now is to group your Protagonist pages into a folder & removed the HoTT Rules pages as I've included them alongside your backgrounds - all linked from "Luddite's Lists"
Luddite said
at 2:36 am on Nov 20, 2010
Sorry Ni, i'll give you the heads up as i add more. Have you removed the duplicates? Sorry for making administrative work for you, i was just chucking up what i had ready to go.
As for adding the rules into the background, i felt keeping them seperate is a better approach as the backgrounds can then be used to spawn rules/lists for various rulesets. No?
I think in general background information should be posted separately to rules crunch.
Luddite said
at 2:36 am on Nov 20, 2010
I'd also make it clear that these are just my ideas - i'm more than happy for others to contribute to them. I think we should be looking for a 'collective design' rather than 'Luddite's view', 'Niks view' etc.
Do you feel there needs to be 'rules of collaboration'? I've added to some other people's pages so for (but not amended or changed other's work). Perhaps some etiquette on editing others work? Or are we happy for a free-for-all approach?
I've sorted out a few characters too (some posted up) and working on the wider stuff like technology, politics and organisations. I think this all adds to the depth of experience of what we're ultimately aiming at - getting the toy soldiers on the table for a bit of fun!
Some things i'm considering include - a rough timeline (re: the 'do we need a 'now date'?), some maps of the various worlds, a 'cassus belli' section concerning the conflict zones and theatres, uniform guides, more technology.
Something i'm not so much looking at at the moment are rules! Perhaps i should but i presume others are picking this up?
nik harwood said
at 4:18 am on Nov 20, 2010
Coolio - all appreciated; I just wanted to credit you with your existing work! I did remove the crunch pages that you'd added, but can easily add them back in if you like.
Something I've done before with development is to run a closed Yahoo group alongside the wiki: this can make it easier for discussion before edits to documents etc - I'll set one up if everyone thinks that's sensible...
Steve Johnson said
at 9:40 am on Nov 27, 2010
I must commend Nik and Luddite for a lot of activity of late. I have been somewhat remiss in commenting on anything of late, but the real world in the form of work has been intruding on the gaming front. What little time I have had has been focused on getting stuff ready for Nikfest.
However, at the club there has been an outbreak of gaming on the Sudan Front with the British Redcoats looking absolutely superb against the massed Hordes of the Mahdi et al. I'm looking forward to getting back into this post Nikfest etc, but am always on the lookout for ideas etc, such as the Eygptian Pyramids featuring in some form or other?
Steve J.
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